Звіт за результатами довгострокового спостереження (за період 28 серпня - 15 вересня)
30-04-2015 14:35
Закон “Про вибори народних депутатів України” в цілому дозволяє провести вибори у відповідності до міжнародних стандартів. Разом з тим, Закон містить ряд недоліків. Ключовим з них є збереження змішаної виборчої системи, за якою проводитимуться позачергові вибори народних депутатів. Передбачені Законом процедури не в повній мірі узгоджено з відповідними процедурами, закріпленими у законах про президентські та місцеві вибори. Конституційність окремих положень цього Закону (наприклад, в частині позбавлення права голосу за мажоритарним компонентом виборчої системи осіб, які проживають або перебувають за кордоном чи змінили місце голосування без зміни виборчої адреси) є сумнівною. Закон не встановлює дієвих гарантій безпеки при проведенні голосування у регіонах проведення АТО. Не передбачена ним і спрощена процедура голосування для внутрішньо переміщених осіб з Донецької та Луганської областей.
1. Закон “Про вибори народних депутатів України” в цілому дозволяє провести вибори у відповідності до міжнародних стандартів. Разом з тим, Закон містить ряд недоліків. Ключовим з них є збереження змішаної виборчої системи, за якою проводитимуться позачергові вибори народних депутатів. Передбачені Законом процедури не в повній мірі узгоджено з відповідними процедурами, закріпленими у законах про президентські та місцеві вибори. Конституційність окремих положень цього Закону (наприклад, в частині позбавлення права голосу за мажоритарним компонентом виборчої системи осіб, які проживають або перебувають за кордоном чи змінили місце голосування без зміни виборчої адреси) є сумнівною. Закон не встановлює дієвих гарантій безпеки при проведенні голос...
The concept of the new Law “On Elections of Deputies of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local councils and village, town and city mayors”
03-03-2015 14:51
The concept of the new Law “On Elections of Deputies of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local councils and village, town and city mayors” (short version)
short version
According to the Coalition Agreement, improving the system of local elections is one of the priorities of reforms in Ukraine. Coalition Agreement provides that improving the system of local elections will include conducting of local elections according to the Constitution of Ukraine on the basis of decentralization, decreasing of number of seats in local councils, introduction of majoritarian system of absolute majority for elections of mayors in large cities, introduction of proportional electoral system for elections to all local councils, except for elections to village councils.
This concept was prepared in accordance with relevant provisions of the Coalition Agreement, international standards for elections and political situation in the state.
Survey of regional representatives of All-Ukrainian non-governmental organization “Committee of Voters of Ukraine” on electoral systems in local elections
02-03-2015 16:19
In February all-Ukrainian non-governmental organization “Committee of voters of Ukraine” conducted a survey of NGO representatives in regions on electoral systems to be applied in local elections on October 25, 2015. 41 people were interviewed in total.
In February all-Ukrainian non-governmental organization “Committee of voters of Ukraine” conducted a survey of NGO representatives in regions on electoral systems to be applied in local elections on October 25, 2015. 41 people were interviewed in total.
In addition to questions on what kind of electoral system should be selected for different elections, respondents were offered to justify their choice. Thus we can quote the arguments of experts given to prove their choice. Often respondents gave the same arguments choosing electoral system for different elections, such arguments will appear in report only one time.
Survey results. Summary.
Experts came to certain consent only on electoral system for elections of village councils` deputies and elections of oblast councils’ deputies. Most respondents chose majoritarian electoral system of relative majority in single-member ...
25-11-2014 13:03
Final report Review of electoral disputes in Ukraine Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine early elections October 26, 2014
- Effective system of electoral disputes review is quite important for any electoral system. Ukraine is not an exception, as during the last early parliamentary elections in some single-seat constituencies even election results were changed due to appeal procedure, for example in singleseat constituency № 16.
- 84% of complaints submitted to the Central election commission (hereinafter - CEC) were returned to complainants because of shortcomings in complaints. In district election commissions (hereinafter - DECs) this share is 22% (it could be higher but some DEC...
CVU: the highest number of women MPs in the history of Ukraine
12-11-2014 13:25
The Verkhovna Rada of VIII convocation has the highest number of women MPs in the history of independent Ukraine. Such a conclusionis made by civic non-governmental organisation Committee of Voters of Ukraine based on analysis of results of election campaign. This year 47 women are elected to the parliament, which is 11.1% of the total composition.
The Verkhovna Rada of VIII convocation has the highest number of women MPs in the history of independent Ukraine. Such a conclusionis made by civic non-governmental organisation Committee of Voters of Ukraine based on analysis of results of election. This year 47 women are elected to the parliament, which is 11.1% of the total composition.
For comparison, Verkhovna Rada of the previous convocation had 9.9% of women (44 persons), and Verkhovna Rada of the first convocation - only 2.3% (11 persons). In this contextCVU concludes that Ukrainian parliament becomes more balanced. However, it is still far from global practices as on average parliaments of the wor...
27-10-2014 10:04
Voting on election day was generally conducted in accordance with the law and international standards. However, CVU’s official observers reported a number of problems related to the organization of the voting process and preparation for its implementation.
Voting on election day was generally conducted in accordance with the law and international standards.
However, CVU’s official observers reported a number of problems related to the organization of the voting process and preparation for its implementation.
Similarly to the presidential election in May 2014, many parti...
27-10-2014 10:03
A serious problem related to the system of electoral disputes in Ukraine is the system’s complexity, in particular, the existence of parallel jurisdiction ofelection commissions and courts, which in turn are divided into different instances. As a result, a complainant/plaintiff appeals to an independent authority and is not able to appeal against a decision, act, or omission.
A serious problem related to the system of electoral disputes in Ukraine is the system’s complexity, in particular, the existence of parallel jurisdiction ofelection commissions and courts, which in turn are divided into different instances. As a result, a complainant/plaintiff appeals to an independent authority and is not able to appeal against a decision, act, or omission.
The number of complaints/claims to election commissions and district administrative courts is small for the period from the beginning of the election process to Saturday, October 25. This low number is quite surprising given the fact that long-term election observers from the NGO “Committee of Voters of Ukraine” recorded numerous violations in their reports. Appeals are not b...