CVU research: "Local elections in Ukraine in a pandemic of COVID-19"
14-06-2020 21:47
You can download research at the link
International experience
The spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has significantly affected the organization and conduct of elections worldwide. More than 50 countries have postponed election until later. In particular, parliamentary elections in Serbia, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, presidential elections in Poland and Bolivia were postponed. Local elections were postponed in the United Kingdom and Romania. A number of referendums were postponed in the Russian Federation, Italy, and Chile. Presidential primaries were postponed in the United States.
Postponed for an indefinite period of time elections in some countries have become a serious challenge in terms of international election standards. In the United Kingdom, the election of the mayor of London was postponed for a year, in Romania...
Дослідження КВУ: "Підсумки 2 сесії Верховної Ради"
20-01-2020 13:31
Дослідження КВУ: "Підсумки 2 сесії Верховної Ради" доступне за посиланням
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Final Report of CVU on Observation Results of the Early Election of MPs of Ukraine on July 21, 2019
27-08-2019 09:34
Final Report of CVU on Observation Results of the Early Election of MPs of Ukraine on July 21, 2019 click here
Фінальний звіт КВУ за результатами парламентських виборів 2019
01-08-2019 12:37
Фінальний звіт КВУ за результатами спостереження за позачерговими виборами народних депутатів України 21 липня 2019 року доступний за посиланням
Main findings of CVU on the election day
22-07-2019 10:41
Report available here (UA)
Main findings of CVU observation:
1. According to the CVU, the E-day was generally conducted in accordance with the requirements of Ukrainian legislation and international standards of democratic elections. In comparison with the previous elections of the President of Ukraine in 2019, the extraordinary parliamentary elections in 2014, the number and nature of violation of electoral laws has not fundamentally changed.
2. The official observers of the CVU identified a number of problems and violations during the organization of the voting process and in preparation for its conduct, however, these violations were not of a systemic nat...
Оцінка КВУ ходу виборчого процесу (станом на 18 липня)
18-07-2019 12:34
18 липня в УКМЦ відбулася прес-конференція КВУ щодо оцінки виборчої кампанії. Під час заходу було представлено основні висновки КВУ щодо спостереження за позачерговими виборами народних депутатів 21 липня 2019 р.
Завантажити попередні висновки КВУ щодо оцінки ходу виборчого процесу на позачергових виборах ...