Committee of voters of Ukraine proposes to allow IDPs from antiterrorist operation zone to participate in local elections
Committee of voters of Ukraine proposes to allow IDPs from antiterrorist operation zone to participate in local elections.
Committee of voters of Ukraine proposes to allow IDPs from antiterrorist operation zone to participate in local elections. This was stated by Director General of CVU Oleksiy Koshel during a press conference "Which law will be used to elect local authorities. Main risks for elections 2015". According to him it is necessary to adopt one-time law on elections of Donetsk and Luhansk oblast councils. He also emphasized, that special precincts for IDPs where they could vote should be created in all oblasts. For example, 3-4 precincts should be created in Zhytomyr oblast where there are about 9 thousand IDPs, 30-40 precincts should be created in Kyiv and Kyiv oblast where there are more than 130 thousand IDPs. Most precincts should be created on the territo...
КВУ передає досвід моніторингу виборів активістам з Туреччини
Представник Комітету виборців України, Святослав Пікуль, взяв участь в міжнародній конференції: «Прозорість на виборах", що проходила 9 травня в Туреччині.
Представник Комітету виборців України, Святослав Пікуль, взяв участь в міжнародній конференції: «Transparency in Elections», що проходила 9 травня в Туреччині. На заході розглядались теми висвітлення в медіа політитичних партій та кандидатів під час виборчих кампаній, фінансування кампаній і спостереження за виборами. Святослав Пікуль презентував досвід КВУ по моніторингу виборів для активістів організації «Oy ve Ötesi». Громадська організація «Oy ve Ötesi» (Vote and Beyond) - це об’єднання волонтерів, які вперше в Туреччині впроваджують ідею громадянського спостереження за виборами. На разі організація включає більше 40 тис. активістів і готується спостерігати за парламентськими ...
THE CONFERENCE OF THE CVU “Public Access to Administrative Justice: Problems and Solutions” WAS HELD
All-Ukrainian conference of Committee of voters of Ukraine “Public Access to Administrative Justice: Problems and Solutions” was held on Friday, May 15. 
All-Ukrainian conference of Committee of voters of Ukraine “Public Access to Administrative Justice: Problems and Solutions” was held on Friday, May 15. The conference was held within the project “Legal support and education for vulnerable segments of population through a network of permanent and mobile liaison offices” supported by European Union. The project aims to improve interaction between citizens and public authorities. During the project implementation some shortcomings of procedural legislation in Ukraine were found. To eliminate those CVU experts developed draft laws “On ensuring access to justice and respect for the judiciary” and “On restoration of access to justice for vulnerable groups of the population.”
Conference of All-Ukrainian non-governmental organization «Committee of voters of Ukraine» - «Public Access to Administrative Justice: Problems and Solutions».
Conference of All-Ukrainian non-governmental organization «Committee of voters of Ukraine» - «Public Access to Administrative Justice: Problems and Solutions». Will be held on Friday, May 15 in Kyiv Hotel (Hrushevskoho str. 26/1). Registration starts at 10:00 a.m.
Conference of All-Ukrainian non-governmental organization «Committee of voters of Ukraine» - «Public Access to Administrative Justice: Problems and Solutions». Will be held on Friday, May 15 in Kyiv Hotel (Hrushevskoho str. 26/1). Registration starts at 10:00 a.m. CVU experts will make presentations of their draft laws aimed to improve public access to administrative justice. Results of the project on providing legal aid for vulnerable groups will be also presented during the event. Some topics of the conference: -           Shor...
The press conference of the CVU “Six months before the local elections, new players and old problems” was held
On Monday, April 27, 2015, the press conference of the Committee of voters of Ukraine “Six months before the local elections, new players and old problems” was held.
On Monday, April 27, 2015, the press conference of the Committee of voters of Ukraine “Six months before the local elections, new players and old problems” was held. Key conclusions of a survey of regional CVU representatives were presented at the event. Six months before the next local elections political parties and local politicians are in full pre-election campaign mode. The most active work in preparation for the election is conducted by Petro Poroshenko Block and Samopomich Union. There are public receptions of PPB working in 11 oblasts and public receptions of Samopomich - in 9 oblasts. Both parties organize different events: cleaning areas, planting wayside trees, children's art exhibiti...
Key conclusions of a survey of regional CVU experts. Six months before the local elections, new players and old problems
Key conclusions of a survey of regional CVU experts. Six months before the local elections, new players and old problems
Conclusion №1 Six months before the next local elections political parties and local politicians are in full pre-election campaign mode. In a number of regions oblast and rayon party organizations held congresses,  which handled personnel issues relating to preparations for local elections (Volyn oblast - Petro Poroshenko Block, Radical Party of Oleh Liashko, Rivne oblast - PPB, Kirovohrad oblast - PPB, People's Front, the Radical Party, Kherson oblast - PPB, NF, Lviv oblast - PPB). The most active work in preparation for the election is conducted by Petro Poroshenko Block and Samopomich Union. There are public receptions of PPB working in 11 oblasts and public receptions of Samopomich - in 9 oblasts. PPB  and Samopomich organize different mass events: cleaning areas - Kirovohrad, Ternopil, Chernivtsi, Sumy, Rivne oblasts; pla...
Legal opinion on the election of Kyiv mayor and Kyiv City Council deputies
For your information - Legal opinion of NGO "Committee of Voters of Ukraine" on the election of Kyiv mayor and Kyiv City Council.
On February 25, 2014 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted the Resolution № 791-VII «On calling early elections of Kyiv Mayor and Kyiv City Rada deputies on May 25, 2014", by which were assigned early elections of Kyiv Mayor and Kyiv City Rada deputies on Sunday, May 25, 2014. These elections have taken place and there were elected Kyiv Mayor and Kyiv City Rada deputies. However, there are questions regarding the term of office of Kyiv Mayor and Kyiv City Rada deputies and, consequently, the date of next elections. Thus, Deputy Mayor and Kyiv Rada Secretary Mr. Reznikov stated, that the elections held in Kyiv on May 25, 2014 were not just scheduled, but took place late. Parliament needs to sort it out, and, when it will take decision on the appointment of local elections througho...
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